Preparing Our Children for the Era Of AI

ES Education
ES Education by FSVISION Technology, leveraging its world-leading Al technologiEs and experiences across multiple industries, ES Esvision is committed to developing Al education programs for K1-K12, vocational and professionals to nurture new talents for the future.
Easy to use and affordab e hardware. Cusiomized Soluions for Schools. Medular and industr al electronics Learning plaiform ior Al, Pvthon C/C++, IOT
A One-stop So ution fog Education
- Hardware
- Sortware
- Storage Solutions
- Curriculum System
- Training
- Competitions
Learning Continuum
At ES Education, we understand that every educational level requires different skill sets that need to be nurtured, continually contributing to take a student to the next level of their growth path. Our solutions are interconnected, creating a continuum path of learning which takes them from their very first steps into the world of all the way to becoming master creators of their own ideas. Our solutions are not limited to the role of the learner, but also include the necessary support for the educator to guide the learning process. Activities and lesson plans accompany our soft and hardware, which are also complemented by training and workshops, delivered by our expert educational partners around the world.
ES Discover
Early Literacy, Mathematics, Logic, Music & Art, Screen-free coding
ES Codey
Coding, Logic, AI, IOT, Data Science, Music & Art Scratch, Python

ES Cyber
Coding, AI, IOT, Data Science, Engineering Scratch, Python
Laserbox Pro
Art, Crafting, Engineering Laserbox software
ES Bot series
Coding, AI, Engineering, Robotics Scratch, Arduino C
ES Create 2.0
Art, Crafting, Engineering ESCreate plugin for Cura
ES Tech Innovation Space
What Is The Es Education Tech Innovation Space?
The ES Education Tech Innovation Space (ESTIS) is a school hub facilitating innovative learning. It’s a space where teachers and students can teach, learn and, more importantly, apply 21st-century skills. ESTIS is where the teacher becomes the facilitator and student-led enquiry based learning-to-learn can thrive.
21st-century learning
Critical thinking Problem solving Creativity & innovation Communication Collaboration
Innovative learning
Hands-on, explorative, project-based learning Spatial design and didactic criteria support each other
ES Tech Innovation Space
Digital machines

Laser box Pro
Smart Desktop Laser Cutter
Laserbox Pro is specially designed for education, supporting creativity in an educational setting — for example, an ES Tech space. Its user-friendly design and powerful software enable educators to improve teaching efficiency and enrich projects and lessons with easily designed solutions. Laser box makes being creative easy, fun, and safe for students.
- Built-in high-resolution camera and AI auto focus
- Trouble-free setup
- Easy connection with Ethernet, WiFi, and USB
- Bring sketches to life without the use of design software
- Real-time preview while designing
- Automatic material detection
- Fast and accurate engraving and cutting
- Enhanced safety design
- Smart filter lifetime indication
Innovation Space
Digital machines

ES Create 2.0
Versatile 3d Printer With Smart Assist Technology
ES Create is the versatile desktop 3D printer you need in your school’s innovation space. With its innovative smart leveling technology and other powerful capabilities, ES Create delivers remarkable print success rates and quality, enabling students to make their creative ideas tangible. It supports an easy switch between 3D printing and laser engraving modes and meets the needs of a broad range of applications in STEAM education.
- AI-driven bed leveling system for trouble-free setup
- Magnetic flexible printing platform with heating bed
- Automatic resumption after interruption
- High-precision nozzle system
- The one-click interchange between 3D printing and laser engraving
- Aircraft-grade aluminum frame
- Automatic resuming after interruption
- Large building volume
- Enhanced safety design
- High-quality protective casing